Providing a theological education pathway for Churches of Christ around the world
Global Christian Studies partners with Harding School of Theology, a US-based accredited seminary affiliated with Churches of Christ. A partner school must have the capability to offer solid Bible training through distance education.
Harding School of Theology challenges Christian leaders to deeper faith in God and higher standards of ministry and scholarship. Combining academic rigor and interpersonal connections, HST operates in an urban context and online, allowing students to engage in ministry as they study.
HST students live and work across the US and around the globe.
All faculty have terminal degrees in their field and congregational ministry experience.
HST is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and the Association of Theological Schools for the US and Canada.
HST is associated with Churches of Christ and is part of the American Restoration Movement. HST has been equipping ministers since 1958.
"Training global leaders is hard work that brings challenges, but HST is committed to doing this work and doing it well. I consider HST's partnership with GCS to be a key part of our work both now and in the future."
Dr. Peter Rice
Dean, Harding School of Theology
For more information about HST, contact the admissions counselor!

The academic year in the US runs from August to July and consists of two main semesters- fall (August to December) and spring (January to May). Classes are often offered in a more intensive format during a summer semester, running from June to July. Courses may also be offered during a winter short-course session, between the end of the fall semester and the beginning of the spring semester. The amount of time in class is described as “course hours” or “credit hours”.
A typical 3 credit hour course will consist of roughly 3 hours of lecture per week (note that intensive courses will have roughly the same amount of time in lectures, but over a shorter span of time). Degree requirements are often stated in course hours (thus a degree may have a program length of 48 hours, requiring 16 3-hour courses). A course load, the number of classes a student takes during a given semester, may also be described in terms of course hours (a student may have a 3-hour course load, or 6-hour, and so on).
Schools provide an “Academic Catalog” with specific information regarding admission requirements, degree requirements, academic policies and other areas of student concerns. Consult the Academic Catalog for specific, authoritative information regarding your school and degree.