Providing a theological education pathway for Churches of Christ around the world
The staff at GCS have a passion for the kingdom of God and its sustainable growth. They have been blessed by graduate education and believe the global kingdom will as well. The Director of GCS is Dr. Harold Shank, a long-time preacher among Churches of Christ in the US and a former professor at Harding School of Theology and Oklahoma Christian University. The Director of Development is Caleb Dillinger, an HST graduate and preacher in Ohio. Scott McFarland, John Campos and Hannah Diles recently joined the GCS team and are eager to contribute their various skills to furthering the work of GCS.

Dr. Harold Shank
Director of GCS
Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Scott McFarland
Associate Director for Student Affairs
Europe, Africa
Woodsfield, OH, USA

John Campos
Associate Director for Student Affairs
Latin America, Asia, South Pacific
Memphis, TN, USA
GCS is an initiative of the Belmore Road Church of Christ in Melbourne, Australia and the Eastside Church of Christ in Midwest City, Oklahoma. The staff functions under their oversight in partnership with an advisory board.

Benny Tabalujan, Ph.D.
Elder, Belmore Road
Church of Christ
Melbourne, Australia

David Walton
Elder, Eastside Church of Christ
Midwest City, OK, USA
Additional churches, foundations and individuals are needed to sponsor students and provide funding for each GCS student.